My Study Hub

My Study Hub is the central place to find information related to your study programme.

  • Induction

    Lanyard, safeguarding, attendance, E&D, British Values, and Prevent

  • Wellbeing Support

    Links to local resources such as mental health support and other community courses

  • Study Hints and Tips

    Tips for managing demanding workload: stay prepared, focused, overcome challenges.

  • What's Next?

    Careers advice, links to Careers East Sussex, adult courses, apprenticeships.

  • Practical Support

    Library, financial assistance, charity helplines, debt management, etc

  • Apprentice Portal

    Information, advice and guidance on your apprenticeship and guidance on getting started.

  • University Portal

    Designed to help you navigate HE at ESC

  • Enrichment & Events

    Dates for your diary